What a great time to start your new business! There is so much information available that needs to be gathered, researched and acted on. At the same time, you may be working with limited resources, both cash, and people. However, the beginning is the most crucial time for a start-up business to reach out for the assistance they need. It may be daunting but so exciting too!
Catalyst Business Services understands these challenges. Siobhán was also a small business entrepreneur and owned a retail franchise for a number of years. While she didn’t need to worry about bookkeeping; lease negotiations, marketing and promotions, staffing and finding reliable suppliers kept her up at night.
Start-ups need to begin gathering their advisory teams as soon as possible.
Why do you need Catalyst Business Services now?

In the long run this decision will always save you money by ensuring your bills are paid,
your invoices are issued and collected and your government remittances are all on time.

You will save time by depending on a team that has expertise in accounting requirements & accounting software.

Relying on a trusted bookkeeper allows you to concentration on growing your business and making your clients happy.

You can rest assured that you are government compliant. CRA doesn’t make it easy for small business but we can help by making it less stressful.

Will offer financial technology solutions that work for your business and make your life easier.

Will provide you with the timely reporting that every business needs to make informed decisions.
You have limited cash flow at this stage in your business. We understand that and are committed to controlling your costs by offering a variety of you-specific options from a one time set up fee to fixed monthly rates. And then, when you are ready, we will train you to take over all or some of your bookkeeping responsibilities.